JF Patent Bar Cards - Chapter 800-2000

Chapter 800

Double Patenting (35 USC 111)

- Only one invention

- Independence and distinctness

Chapter 900

Prior Art, Classification, Search

- Prior Art search

- Cancelled matter, co-pending abandoned applications and foreign patents

Chapter 1000

Matters Decided by Various PTO Officials

- Disputes

Chapter 1100

Statutory Invention Registration (SIR)

Pre-Grant Publication (P-G Pub) and Preissuance Submissions

Chapter 1200


Chapter 1300

Allowance and Issue

- Notice of allowance

- Issue fee

- Withdrawing from issue

Chapter 1400

Correction of Patents

- Reissue applications

Chapter 1500

Design Patents

Chapter 1600

Plant Patents

Chapter 1700


- Restrictions from former examiners

- Official Gazette

- US Philippines search engine

Chapter 1800

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)

Chapter 1900


Chapter 2000

Duty of Disclosure


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

미국 포닥, 한국으로 돌아가는 이유? (Why do postdoc go back to Korea?)

미국 포닥 - 비지팅 포닥 VS 풀펀딩 포닥 (Visiting Scholar VS Postdoctoral Fellow)

외국인 (한국인) 미국 집 구입. 영주권, 시민권 필요없다.