File searching and Remove the searched files in Powershell

This is very useful when you are managing your files in your computer (Windows)

1. Identify files in certain folder

>>> Get-ChildItem C:/testfolder/*

2. Identify files in certain folder and remove all of them

>>> Get-ChildItem C:/testfolder/* | ForEach ($_) {Remove-Item $_.fullname}

3. Search certain files including '.test'

>>> Get-ChildItem C:/* -Include *.test

4. Search certain files including '.test', but excluding the files which begin with 'abc'

>>> Get-ChildItem C:/* -Include *.test -Exclude abc*.test

5. Search the files including Sub folders

>>> Get-ChildItem C:/* -Include *.test -Recurse

6. Search the files including Sub folders and remove all of them

>>> Get-ChildItem C:/* -Include *.test -Recurse | ForEach ($_) {Remove-Item $_.fullname}

7. Search the files, Print them, and then remove all of them

>>> Get-ChildItem C:/* -Include *.test -Recurse || ForEach ($_) {Remove-Item $_.fullname}


Have Fun!


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