JF Patent Bar Cards - Patent prosecution process

- Completeness screening whether to assign to an examiner - Examine by the examiner - Allowed: notice of allowance - issue fee - Rejected: 1st office action --> 2nd office action --> final office action --> appeal or RCE  - Rejections often based on 35 USC 101, 102, 103, or/and 112 - Post grant: ex parte reexamination, supplemental examination, derivation proceedings, inter partes review, post grant review, business method patent

JF Patent Bar Cards - Components of patent application

 - Parent applications: Provisional and Non-provisional - Parts: Application data sheet, cover sheet, oath/declaration, drawings, specification, abstract, background of invention, brief summary of invention, summary of invention, and claims (independent and dependent claims), information disclosure statement (patent search)

JF Patent Bar Cards - Reason for having patent law

- Define IP right - Innovation by protecting inventors

JF Patent Bar Cards - Grounds of patent law

- 35 USC - 37 CFR - MPEP - Official Gazette

JF Patent Bar Cards - What is patentable

 - Subject matter invented by human - Novelty, non-obvious, utility - Utility, design, plant - Utility: Machines, manufactures, composition of matter, processes

JF Patent Bar Cards - Stakeholders

- Inventors - Assignees - USPTO - Commissioner - WIPO - Examiners - Patent practitioners - Power of attorney - Patent trial and appeal board

JF Patent Bar Cards - Chapter 2200-2900

Chapter 2200 Citation of Prior Art and Ex Parte Reexamination of Patents Chapter 2300 Interference Proceedings Chapter 2400 Biotechnology - Rules for biological deposits and sequences Chapter 2500 Maintenance Fees Chapter 2600 (Optional) Inter Partes Reexamination Chapter 2700 Patent Terms and Extensions Chapter 2800 Supplemental Examination Chapter 2900 International Design Applications