라벨이 windows인 게시물 표시

How to share wireless internet using Laptop in Windows (Making Wi-fi AP)

1. Open 'cmd' with authorized option. 2. Check wireless Lan status >> netsh wlan show drivers 3. Set Hostednetwork up >> netsh wlan hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=[ID] key=[PW] 4. Start the Hostednetwork >> netsh wlan start hostednetwork 5. Wrap up by sharing from the wired network ! Enjoy! Thanks, JF

Installing python modules using pip in Windows

Today I am going to post about installing python modules such as setuptools, pytz, and six using pip ! If the environment variable of 'C:\python27' are not set, go to the folder of C:\python27. If you are using powershell, it is like below PS C:\Python27> For example, install six module PS C:\Python27> .\python.exe -m pip install six If you want to upgrade this module PS C:\Python27> .\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade six Thanks !

Basic commands for Linux/Mac OSX and Windows Powershell

Basic commands for operating systems ( Linux/Mac OSX and Windows ) I would like to introduce basic commands and their brief explanations. If you want detail usage, googling them! 1. Linux/Mac OSX pwd:  print working directory hostname:  my computer's network name mkdir :  make directory cd:  change directory ls:  list directory rmdir:  remove directory pushd:  push directory popd:  pop directory cp:  copy a file or directory mv:  move a file or directory less:  page through a file cat:  print the whole file xargs:  execute arguments find:  find files grep:  find things inside files man:  read a manual page apropos:  find what man page is appropriate env:  look at your environment echo:  print some arguments export:  export/set a new environment variable exit:  exit the shell sudo:  become super user root chmod:  change permission modifiers chown:  change ownership 2. Window

How to install 'Scipy' using Anaconda of Python in Windows environment

First, visit the website of 'scipy.org' And then go to Install! (Left-Top direction) In this post, we will use the Anaconda server! click Anaconda link in the middle of page! From this page, you can download the Scipy package by clicking the button Finally, just double click the .exe file and follow the instructions after downloading the installer! Thanks! Have Fun!