라벨이 pip인 게시물 표시

Installing python modules using pip in Windows

Today I am going to post about installing python modules such as setuptools, pytz, and six using pip ! If the environment variable of 'C:\python27' are not set, go to the folder of C:\python27. If you are using powershell, it is like below PS C:\Python27> For example, install six module PS C:\Python27> .\python.exe -m pip install six If you want to upgrade this module PS C:\Python27> .\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade six Thanks !

Install 'setuptools' including 'pip' and 'easy_install' in Python

If you are using setuptools or pip or easy_install, you can easily manage python packages. I will give you an information about installing setuptools. Acually, pip and easy_install are installed with setuptools simultaneously. The install is like this. 1. Get the file 'get-pip.py' from https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/installing.html 2. Then run the following >>> python get-pip.py Above three packages will be installed! 3. Add $PATH of windows system C:\PythonXX\Scripts\ Thanks Have Fun!