라벨이 command인 게시물 표시

Basic commands for Linux/Mac OSX and Windows Powershell

Basic commands for operating systems ( Linux/Mac OSX and Windows ) I would like to introduce basic commands and their brief explanations. If you want detail usage, googling them! 1. Linux/Mac OSX pwd:  print working directory hostname:  my computer's network name mkdir :  make directory cd:  change directory ls:  list directory rmdir:  remove directory pushd:  push directory popd:  pop directory cp:  copy a file or directory mv:  move a file or directory less:  page through a file cat:  print the whole file xargs:  execute arguments find:  find files grep:  find things inside files man:  read a manual page apropos:  find what man page is appropriate env:  look at your environment echo:  print some arguments export:  export/set a new environment variable exit:  exit the shell sudo:  become super user root chmod:  change permission modifiers chown:  change ownership 2. Window